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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 11/17/2009
Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Town Hall Conference Room
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Present: Emily Beebe, Co-Chair; Jean Schaefer, Lori Vanderschmidt, Dan Wexman
Regrets: Steven Gazzano
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff,  Paul Gabriel of Environmental Partners Group (EPG), Russ Tierney of WhiteWater, Assistant DPW Director Paul Lindberg; DPW Director Mark Vincent; DPW Secretary Joan Baker; Fire Chief Daniel Silverman

Co-Chair Emily Beebe called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Operator’s Report
Russ Tierney from WhiteWater reviewed the written report which he had prepared for the meeting.  The general operations report included information on: inspections, coliform testing; monthly pumping averages, fire hydrants, valves and the SCADA system.  The report continued with meter reading and billing.  The report contained a section on the present construction meetings.  The final section of his report consisted of 16 other topics/questions for consideration.

DPW Activity Report & Operator’s Concerns  
DPW Director Mark Vincent gave a list of administrative concerns which included: applications, fees & bookkeeping, installation sign-off, liens, financing, and staffing.  Some of his concerns matched those of Russ Tierney’s.  The Board resumed considering Tierney’s 16 topics.  Metering issues, sale of units, cross connection control, service installation regulations, valve matters, maximum service length, storage space, approved contractors and scheduling new installations were discussed.  Paul Gabriel of EPG suggested holding a work session to deal with the issues.

Tierney distributed materials on meter companies and explained some desirable meter features.  He said meters have a life span that should be anticipated.  DEP requires meter testing on a regular basis.  Tierney also said that the meter companies would give presentations on their products.  

Application Form
Beebe asked for essential parts of the service application form.  USDA has requirements for the form, she said.  Tierney said he will provide sample application forms for the Board to use as models.    Mark Vincent said DPW already has a list of steps for installation.

Prioritization of Additional Routes
Beebe said there were financial decisions that need to be made before adding roads to the system.  Paul Gabriel gave the report on change orders, paving Central District roads and available money for construction.  His numbers did not include Coles Neck Rd. and Old Hay Rd.  His affordable list included: Poledike Rd. paving, Hiller-Summit, Baker Ave. and Railroad Ave and the Phase 1 stubs. Chris Drive and Mayflower Drive construction approval will be needed as well.  He suggested public outreach to these abutters soon.  Gabriel presented a copy of an amended agreement for additional design and funding that would be brought to Annual Town Meeting.  

Beebe moved to go forward with the amended agreement for design of Poledike Rd., Hiller Ave. Summit Ave., Baker Ave, Railroad Ave and the Phase 1 stubs.  Wexman seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.

Harborside Village Connection
The connection for Harborside Village will be continued at the next meeting.

Construction Update
At the last meeting, Beebe said, the contractor needs some extra time to work on Lawrence Rd.  She said the contractor is starting to tap the main.  

Enterprise Fund Budget FY2011
Paul Sieloff discussed the Enterprise Fund spreadsheets for Fiscal Year 2011.  Sieloff said there are a number of expenses that need to be added to the budget. The Board will send suggestions to Paul Sieloff during the week.  

Next Steps
There will be a work session on Monday, November 30 to deal with creating a job description, revising the Rules & Regulations, the Enterprise Fund Budget, and planning for Town Meeting.  

Minutes of 11/3/09
Beebe moved to approve the amended minutes of November 3, 2009.  Schaefer seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
______________________________          __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Emily Beebe, Co-Chair
The Board of Water Commissioners approved these minutes at the meeting held 12/1/09.